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We are providing traditonal Thai healthcare tradition which includes  Thai Massage as well as herbal treatments, accupunture and physical excersises from the khmer tradition.

In average undertanding the powerful energy of Thai massage is associated with soft sounds in the background, fragrant massage oil and delicate hands that slide over tense muscles. The Thai massage is the epitome of wellness and relaxation . What we know about local Thai massage is mainly coming from monk monastries to revitalize the body after longtime meditation sessions.

In our local area the thai massage is a part of medical treatment at the sirithon hospital and can be booked at baan suey. It is part of a medical treatment concept provided 

Thai massages have their origins in the Ayurvedic Indian art of healing and follow the approach of releasing energy blockages in order to prevent diseases. Body and soul come into harmony. Pain is relieved. This increases our performance and our holistic wellbeing. A Thai massage offers relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life in an exotic ambience, in which you almost feel like you are on vacation. 

The Thai massage is also known under the name Thai Yoga Massage, because it combines stretching of the body with flowing massage movements. .

Its uses and elements are related to Indian yoga and its energy lines. According to tradition, the Thai massage was brought to Southeast Asia by Indian monks, who developed their techniques to counteract the painful effects of the meditation postures.

Over the centuries, traditional Chinese medicine has also influenced Thai massage practices by adopting elements of acupressure. Thai massage therapists are mostly deeply religious people who do their work with mindfulness, compassion and compassionate joy.

Thai massages were used for therapeutic purposes in earlier times. This practice has continued to this day, adapting it to the needs of the general public.

 Treatment with Thai massage Treatment and effects of the Thai massage Pressing, kneading and stretching - the traditional Thai massage is different from a massage by a physiotherapist. The masseuse stretches and stretches the patient with full body effort. The ball of the hand, elbows and elbows as well as one's own knees are used, and it is not uncommon for the therapist to stand with his entire body on the patient in order to exert pressure on cramped muscles. Individual parts of the body are worked on gently and vigorously and are pleasantly warmed through.

According to Ayurvedic teaching , various energy points and channels are activated, the so-called Marma points. The energy can flow again without restriction. Blood and lymph flow are stimulated. A full body Thai massage starts on the feet and works your way up. This means that feet, legs, back, sides, arms, hands, back, head and face are massaged one after the other. The therapists usually work with aromatic oils and hot herbal packs . 

The body is pleasantly warmed through. In combination with precious essential oil, the treatment leads to deep physical and mental relaxation, which relieves pain, strengthens the tissue and removes waste products. A nice side effect of this hot back massage is that the pores of the skin open and the nourishing ingredients of the massage oil can be absorbed even better.

Thai massage hot stone Energy lines and Ayurveda The traditional Thai massage includes a system of different techniques. These include pressure point massage, yoga elements, joint mobilizations and aromatherapy.

The Thai name of the massage is "Nuat Phaen Boran", which means "healing touch according to an ancient pattern". The basis of the Thai massages is the Ayurvedic system of energy lines that run through the body. On these lines there are special points that are stimulated by means of acupressure, similar to the Japanese Shiatsu massage.

The pressure on certain points and energy lines relieves pain and other ailments such as insomnia and stomach problems. In the stretching positions of the massages, the customer is encouraged to breathe deeply and thereby supply oxygen to his muscles.Deep breathing also promotes relaxation and regeneration of the entire circulatory system. What does Thai massage do in the body? The special thing about the Thai tradition is that the therapist uses his whole body for the massage.

A Thai massage activates the self-healing powers Pressure point massages improve blood circulation Stretches provide muscle relaxation Stretching the rotation of the joints has a positive effect on mobility Yoga positions improve posture Sleep disturbances and inner restlessness can be alleviated The internal organs are better supplied with blood through the deep relaxation

The metabolism is stimulated Mindful touch triggers physical well-being and relaxation. According to traditional teaching, a Thai massage is performed on the floor on a mat. The therapist is thus on the same level as his patient and can use his own body weight optimally to transfer pressure, force and energy to the patient. The masseur works with the pressure of his thumb, the ball of the hand, the arms as well as with the elbows, legs, feet and knees. Tension and relaxation work in harmony with gentle movements and enable deep regeneration of the aching muscles. Just let your mind wander in a Thai wellness oasis! The massages counteract everyday stress and give us new strength.

Special acupressure techniques, comparable to Japanese Shiatsu massage, stimulate and relieve the body's energy points. The foot reflex zone massage also uses this technique. Duration of a Thai massage How long does a Thai massage last and how often can I have it done? Depending on the body region, different treatments and massage styles are available , according to which the duration of the application depends. An extended Thai massage can sometimes even last up to two and a half hours.

Thai massages should be performed regularly in order to achieve a long-lasting effect. Weekly applications are effective.

If this is not possible, it should be at least several massages per month. Between the treatments you should allow your body a regeneration time of at least 36 hours so that the metabolism can recover from the demanding massage.

When is a Thai massage not recommended?

Thai massages serve as a preventive measure and are not recommended in the event of an acute, serious illness. This is especially true for people with a fever, open wounds, cardiovascular diseases and injuries to bones, joints and muscles. Patients with chronic spinal disorders should consult their doctor for advice before signing up for a Thai massage . Pregnant women should not go to a Thai massage either. Certain reflex zones shouldn't be massaged during pregnancy. In addition, the various yoga positions are inconvenient or inconvenient for pregnant women.

How dangerous is Thai massage How dangerous is a Thai massage? The answer is: it is no more or less dangerous than any other massage technique. Thai masseurs are professional, certified and understand their craft. They know how the body works and where muscles, nerves and veins run. If you are unsure, you should address this at the beginning of the treatment and ask to reduce the stimulus strength if the massage becomes too uncomfortable.

A Thai massage is powerful against tension, but does it have to be painful? Muscle pain is a sign of the profound effects. The pressure massage effectively loosens adhesions in the fascia and stretches muscles. The more severe the discomfort, the more pressure the masseuse has to exert on the respective points. This can lead to pain and sore muscles. The masseuse is happy to cater to the individual needs of the customer. If the massage is too strong for you, it is best to inform them immediately so that the intensity of the stimulation can be adapted to the individual needs and sensations of the person being massaged.

The traditional Thai massage is a holistic treatment. It combines acupressure, stretching, meditation and energy work. But precisely this effective mode of action means that the massage is sometimes perceived as painful. Some Thai massage techniques are not entirely undisputed, for example pressing the main artery on the leg. Doctors from the Thai Red Cross warn that this can lead to blood clotting. More information on " A Thai massage can be so dangerous ". That brings the Thai massage What are the benefits of a Thai massage? There are many good reasons for a Thai massage: muscle tension is relieved and pain is relieved. This is especially true for those of us who do a sedentary job. Neck and back problems are among the most common ailments in our society. T

hai massage is even used to stimulate paralyzed muscles. The internal organs are supplied with blood and strengthened. Massages break down stress hormones and the whole body feeling improves. The touch ensures deep relaxation and inner peace. The patients feel stronger and more productive. Body oils and herbal balms also nourish the skin and make it soft and supple.

There are many different styles of Thai massage that are characterized by dynamic and powerful aspects. Each massage therapist develops their own approach depending on their level of knowledge and ability. However, all of them follow the Ayurvedic teaching of massaging along ten selected energy lines (Thai: sen sip). These run through the body like an energetic network.

The Thai massage is shaped by the Indian and Chinese influences of yoga and acupressure. The time we spend with the Thai massage is valuable time away from everyday stress. Massage practices are places of relaxation where we can let our soul dangle. The whole ambience is geared towards our well-being. Whether back massage with hot stones , full body massage or foot massage , here we recharge our batteries and let us pamper us.

Traditional Thai massage with traditional Thai doctors